
Moly Copper Performance Influence Factors

Moly copper performance influence factors as follow:

Such molybdenum copper alloy microstructure changes its performance, density, hardness and strength are higher than the direct mixing sintered alloy (no transition layer structure), as shown in Table 1. Its coefficient of thermal expansion and the use of the obtained alloy melt leaching difference larger, and smaller than the obtained with the German, who calculation formula to calculate the thermal expansion coefficient of the result, as shown in Table 2.

Chart.1 Mechanical Activation On Molybdenum Copper Alloy

Processing Conditions Relative Density/%  Hardness/HRB  At Room Temperature Under Tension, Roll, Forging Process
Mechanical Activation Process 97.8 82 Surface Intact
No Mechanical Activation Process 97 67 Surface Cracking

Chart.2 Molybdenum Copper Alloy Thermal Expansion Coefficient

Alloy Composition Thermal Expansion Coefficient /10-6℃-1
The Experimental System Mo-36Cu Alloy Calculated Using Actual German 7.2
Test Alloy 10.4
Mo-25Cu 7.7
Mo-28Cu 7.7
Mo-30Cu ≈8
Mo-40Cu ≈9.5

 Investigate the reasons for this result, from the material preparation process can be analyzed: the mechanical activation process, the powder has a high surface energy, can lower the sintering temperature, to achieve a higher density. While the sintered alloy small, easily machined material. Produced due to sintering Mo, Cu transition area between, change the solubility of Mo in the Cu phase, the system to do this experiment Molybdenum Copper alloy of thermal expansion coefficients to vary.

If you have any interest in our molybdenum copper alloy or other molybdenum alloy products, please feel free to contact us by email:, or by telephone:86 592 512 9696.

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