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CMC Alloy Process - Explosive Compound

CMC alloy process(copper molybdenum copper alloy) - explosive compound as follow:

Explosive compound method refers to the moment generated by the blast wave pressure and high strain rate effect, so that the metal layer collide, crush, one way to achieve solid composite. Explosive compound synthesis fast, so the composite is almost no diffusion at the interface, you can avoid brittle phase formation, thereby improving the bonding strength.

At present, domestic and foreign for the explosive compound Mo/Cu, CMC alloy successfully developed alloys have been reported, and began commercial production. Yang and Li Zhenghua, who used explosive compound method, the cold-rolled and cross rolled pure Cu plate pure Mo plate, using a parallel installation disposable successfully prepared CMC alloy(copper molybdenum copper)multilayer composite materials, and its organizational and interfacial bonding mechanisms studied.

The results show that, CMC alloy(copper molybdenum copper alloy) composite waveform interface bonding interface has direct interface two kinds of peace, in the waveform at the interface, Cu layer violently deformed, bent fibrous tissue in the presence of molten zone on both sides of the waveform interface, test results showed that the molten zone is rich Cu (90% Cu/10% Mo) amorphous hybrid organization. Presence of the interface of the molten zone metallurgical bonding at the interface, for improving the bonding strength is very desirable, but the presence of Cu-rich region is also conducive to the improvement of electrical and thermal conductivity.

cmc alloy

Pic. Explosive compound CMC alloy sheet after rolling interface morphology contrast (ε ≥ 60%)

Although the literature does not mention the specific process explosive compound, but for performance testing of composite sheet shows that the CMC alloy(copper molybdenum copper alloy) prepared material is feasible. Explosive clad plate surface quality is poor, difficult to meet the performance requirements, therefore, must be rolling on the explosive composite sheet processing, the flat surface to achieve the desired size and performance requirements. Therefore, the current explosion of multi-compound technology and rolled joint use, to achieve the production of multilayer composite material performance requirements.

If you have any interest in our CMC alloy(copper molybdenum copper alloy) or other molybdenum alloy products, please feel free to contact us by email:, or by telephone:86 592 512 9696.

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