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TYM(Titanium Yttrium Molybdenum)

What Is TYM alloy(Titanium Yttrium Molybdenum)?

molybdenum alloyTYM alloy is a basis in the Mo-0.5Ti add YH3 new superalloy.

TYM molybdenum alloy rolling process and organizational structure and the relationship of the recrystallization temperature is as follows:

Prepared by powder metallurgy Mo-0.5Ti-0.7Y molybdenum alloy billets, rolling several times with the cross and a cross-rolling mill to 0.3mm thick, respectively, the total shape becomes 99%. The two-rolled sheet samples were obtained at 1100 ℃, 1300 ℃ and 1500 ℃ vacuum oven for 1 hour returns processing, and then in the APD-1700 diffractometer ODF texture measurements and calculations.

By analyzing the different rolling process to obtain the TYM alloy and concluded as follows:

1 using a multiple cross rolling process several times cross rolling, get the only strong {001} <110> texture, but the tissue fibers chunky, dispersed phase particles unevenly distributed along the grain boundaries, in strips or group together to form areas of high stress concentration, recrystallization annealing temperature 1300 ℃ less. With a cross rolling, to obtain a moderate intensity {001} <110> texture and a very weak {001} <100> cube texture. Its organizational slender fiber dispersed phase particles along the grain boundaries in a chain evenly, reducing stress concentration, recrystallization annealing temperature of 1500 ℃ or more.

(2) improve the performance requirements of high molybdenum alloy TYM organizational structure is to obtain a small storage, difficult recrystallized {001} <110> texture, the same time must have an elongated fibrous tissue uniformly distributed along the grain boundary of the dispersed phase particle good fit.

(3) rolling method and direction TYM molybdenum alloy recrystallization temperature and high temperature performance there is a very significant impact, which is strictly controlled rolling crossover frequency of the main factors.

If you have any interest in our TYM alloy(Titanium Yttrium Molybdenum or other molybdenum alloy products, please feel free to contact us by email:, or by telephone:86 592 512 9696.

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